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HEIDENHAIN电机ID 388244-16授权总代理
更新时间:2018-03-26      阅读:802

HEIDENHAIN电机ID 388244-16授权总代理
海德汉公司 - 要求定位任务的测量和控制技术
这是DR的北美。 JOHANNES HEIDENHAIN GmbH是精密测量和控制设备的制造商。 我们的技术应用于的高精度电机,运动控制和加工系统。
海德汉公司在精密测量行业已有100多年的历史,现在正在设定未来的位置反馈精度标准。 我们的主要行业是金属加工,机床,半导体和电子,电机/驱动,通用自动化和医疗,但可以随时随地提供高度可靠的测量和运动控制。 让我们来谈谈你需要什么 - 以及我们如何能够帮助你。
HEIDENHAIN电机ID 388244-16授权总代理

Length Gauges

Length gauges from HEIDENHAIN offer high accuracy over the entire measuring range, are mechanically rugged, and can be used in a great variety of applications. 
They have a wide range of applications in production metrology, in multipoint inspection stations, measuring equipment monitoring, and as position measuring devices.

  • Brochure

 Length Gauges

 HEIDENHAIN-METRO MT 12 Series/MT 25 Series

Robust design

HEIDENHAIN length gauges are built for an industrial environment. They feature consistently high accuracy over a long period of time as well as high thermal stability. They can therefore be used in production equipment and machines.

High accuracy

The high accuracy specified for HEIDENHAIN length gauges applies over the entire measuring length. Whether the part measures 10 mm or 100 mm, its actual dimension is always measured with the same high quality. The high repeatability of HEIDENHAIN length gauges comes into play during comparative measurements, for example in series production.

Large measuring ranges

HEIDENHAIN length gauges are available with measuring ranges from 12 mm to 100 mm, so that you can measure very different parts in one measuring setup and avoid frequently changing setups with expensive gauge blocks or masters.

HEIDENHAIN电机ID 388244-16授权总代理

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